10 Jun 2024
by APSCo United Kingdom

Launching the APSCo Manifesto: Themes for Professional Recruitment 2024

At APSCo, our members know that their concerns and priorities are at the heart of everything we do. This commitment becomes especially significant during times of governmental change. To address the evolving landscape and ensure our members' voices are heard, we proudly launched our comprehensive Manifesto in the Houses of Parliament.

What is the APSCo Manifesto?

The APSCo Manifesto is a strategic document containing regulatory and policy recommendations aimed at tackling the UK’s skills crisis, enhancing productivity, and driving economic growth. We are confident that the recommendations we propose will resonate with our members and stakeholders across the recruitment sector.

If you don’t have time to read the whole document, then take a look at our overview below.


Members can read and download our precedent letters for adaptation here.

Driving Change for APSCo Members

With 25 years of experience in regulatory policy affecting staffing and recruitment, our influence is both significant and far-reaching. We empower our members by representing them at multiple government committees, consultations and calls for evidence every year. This ensures that the unique struggles and concerns of our members are integrated into our policy advocacy.

Only by being a member of APSCo UK and OutSource can recruiters know that their individual struggles and concerns are fed into our policy asks. 

Our Mission

APSCo’s mission is to be the leading authoritative ‘go to’ voice in staffing in highly skilled sectors and recruitment outsourcing, trusted by policymakers and its members to articulate labour market policies to drive growth and raise productivity.

By launching our Manifesto, we reaffirm our dedication to our members and our role as a key influence in the recruitment industry. We invite all our members to engage with the Manifesto, support its goals, and work with us to drive meaningful change for the future of recruitment in the UK.

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